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No gift too big. No gift too small.

As we approach the Christmas season, we are so glad for the time to join together with friends and family. We pray that this time is filled with joy, laughter, and many gifts. As a church, we are believing for God to continue to lead and bless our whole church body. We believe that God takes care of those who love him, and he loves a cheerful giver. So this Christmas season, we encourage you and your family to make your first gift to Jesus. 

How to Give

  • Pray as an individual or as a family over these opportunities.

  • Select one or more areas of need. 

  • Use the giving portal links, to send in your gift.

Sanctuary Expansion

Finishing Strong

$1.7 mil

We continue to trust and follow God's lead and in turn have experienced His miraculous provision of 4 million dollars! We are believing for the remaining 1.72 million so we can complete the finances for this vision.


Vailsburg Campus Updates


Updating the sanctuary and adjacent area carpeting.


Essential Transportation

$25,000 +

Each week, we have the privilege of ministering on both sides of the state. In order to make this possible, we are looking for additional transportation.

Cleft Palate Surgery
for Children in India


10 x $600

This money includes travel for mom and child to the hospital, surgery, hospital stay and necessary meds for surgery.

Uniform For A
Student in India


200 x $15

Calcutta Mission of Mercy educates over 32,000 children each day in India. However, many don’t have the appropriate clothing to wear. This will purchase 2 uniforms and a pair of shoes for a student as they begin in one of our schools.

40-Ton Chiller

Vailsburg Campus Updates


Our Vailsburg campus needs a new AC unit as we continue to grow and impact the community of Newark. The current equipment has been repaired and held together over the last few years, but now needs to be replaced.

Exterior LED Sign

Vailsburg Campus Updates


We need to replace and update our current marquee sign to continue to attract visitors in the community to the church.

Plant/Build Churches in India



$15,000 allows you to purchase land, buy materials and build a church in the state of Rajasthan, India. This will be the ONLY gospel witness that is in the 10/40 window and persecuted areas.

Leukemia Treatments for
Children in India


100 x $35

This provides a child with no other option for healthcare a monthly leukemia treatment. It is common for children in India to silently suffer with leukemia but $35 changes that trajectory and gives them hope as we also tell them about the love of Christ.

Global Worker
Cash Accounts


2 x $10,000

Marlton and Vailsburg are sending out two of our own Global Worker, Kate and Melissa. They need to raise $10,000 each for their missionary accounts.

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